
AKC Champion Foothills Laki, RATO, TKN, Bronze Sire of Merit

Born to Scott and Candise Berard in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies, named for a volcanic mountain in Iceland, Foothills Laki lived up to his explosive name. This guy had personality and confidence oozing out of him.  He was my first Icelandic Sheepdog and he started me on an amazing journey. He introduced me to many new people and sports: Agility, Barn Hunt, Trick Training, Conformation, and more. He loved the beach and swimming and retrieving.  He adored our yearly camping trips with hiking on the remote Beaver Island.  But what he really excelled at was being an ambassador for our breed.  Everywhere he went, he drew attention to himself with his good looks and winning personality. (He was also known for his barking, but we won’t dwell on that.)

His primary job was as our family pet and farm dog. We used to call him, “Chief of Farm Security.”  He was bold, unafraid of a charging ram, able to move stubborn Icelandic sheep while keeping an eye on the sky for flying predators. We never lost a chicken to hawks under his watch. He was a gentle boy too, putting up with all kinds of abuse from the puppies born on our farm while also teaching them respect with a well-timed growl that never failed to make them roll over in apology.

I could go on, but words fail, and tears come when I think of all that he means to me and my family.

Rest in Peace sweet Boy.  I miss you so much.


Project Six